2007-10-11 12:33:22長風
風言風語 2007/10/10
1. 妳說自己是求道人,但妳究竟實踐了多少?妳說本週禁語,結果妳忙亂的心思,迄今絮叨如許?妳說妳的國不在這世上,那麼它在何方?
這世上明擺著許多康莊大道,妳不愛行,偏生選擇無跡之蹊徑,莫怪妳總與人抗衡……;世上的人們大抵都有自己的思想或信仰,無論循身或從心,總有可行之路;偏就妳愛與自己掙扎,以矛盾砌築自己的牢籠……。Well, how could you be still happy and insist then? Is it because that you like struggle, difficulties, contradiction and suffering? Or that you just like to be different? My dear, if any of these reasons is true, enjoy your struggle secretly then. Don’t confuse people around you if it is possible. ”…Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing….”
2. A quote from Thich Nhat Hanh’s ’Going Home’:
”True love is made of understanding--understanding the other person, the object of your love, understanding their suffering, their difficulties, and their true aspiration. Out of understanding there will be kindness, there will be compassion, there will be an offering of joy. There will also be a lot of space, because true love is a love without possessiveness. You love and still you are free, and the other person is also free. The kind of love that has no joy is not true love. If both parties cry every day, then that’s not true love. There must be joy and freedom and understanding in love.”
這世上明擺著許多康莊大道,妳不愛行,偏生選擇無跡之蹊徑,莫怪妳總與人抗衡……;世上的人們大抵都有自己的思想或信仰,無論循身或從心,總有可行之路;偏就妳愛與自己掙扎,以矛盾砌築自己的牢籠……。Well, how could you be still happy and insist then? Is it because that you like struggle, difficulties, contradiction and suffering? Or that you just like to be different? My dear, if any of these reasons is true, enjoy your struggle secretly then. Don’t confuse people around you if it is possible. ”…Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing….”
2. A quote from Thich Nhat Hanh’s ’Going Home’:
”True love is made of understanding--understanding the other person, the object of your love, understanding their suffering, their difficulties, and their true aspiration. Out of understanding there will be kindness, there will be compassion, there will be an offering of joy. There will also be a lot of space, because true love is a love without possessiveness. You love and still you are free, and the other person is also free. The kind of love that has no joy is not true love. If both parties cry every day, then that’s not true love. There must be joy and freedom and understanding in love.”
上一篇:風言風語 2007/09/30