2008-04-25 16:35:38錶面男
Norman Foster 被要求公開繳稅狀況 上議院席位可能不保
曾於1999年獲得有建築界諾貝爾獎之稱的「普立茲克建築獎(Pritzker Architecture Prize)」的建築師 Norman Foster,在當年受英國女王加封為爵士(Sir),現在因為身份問題遇上了一些麻煩。
昨夜看到一則建築界的新聞「Foster under pressure to reveal tax status」,內容主要是在講目前不確定是英國籍還是瑞士籍的建築師 Norman Foster 似乎為了逃避英國公民應盡的納稅義務,而可能入了瑞士籍。
今年七十二歲的 Norman Foster 於 1999年成為英國上議院(House of Lords)的「終身貴族」(Life Peer)一員,他既然身為英國傳統政治菁英的一份子,卻又以瑞士人的身份大搖大擺地逃避了英國居民所應負擔的重稅,引起了英國政治界的廣泛討論及攻訐。
瑞士報刊 24 Heures 上週報導 Norman Foster 在瑞士 Rolle 附近購買了一座城堡 Château de Vincy,並且在他交付英國對於公司行號的管理機構 Companies House 資料當中所登記的住址為瑞士 St Moritz,而報導說 Foster 搬到瑞士是為了享受該國「高品質的生活」,加上 Foster 的小孩在瑞士日內瓦湖地區就讀私立學校,然而 Foster 還是澄清,他不是到瑞士來退休的 (所以真的是為了避稅?)。
昨夜看到一則建築界的新聞「Foster under pressure to reveal tax status」,內容主要是在講目前不確定是英國籍還是瑞士籍的建築師 Norman Foster 似乎為了逃避英國公民應盡的納稅義務,而可能入了瑞士籍。
今年七十二歲的 Norman Foster 於 1999年成為英國上議院(House of Lords)的「終身貴族」(Life Peer)一員,他既然身為英國傳統政治菁英的一份子,卻又以瑞士人的身份大搖大擺地逃避了英國居民所應負擔的重稅,引起了英國政治界的廣泛討論及攻訐。
瑞士報刊 24 Heures 上週報導 Norman Foster 在瑞士 Rolle 附近購買了一座城堡 Château de Vincy,並且在他交付英國對於公司行號的管理機構 Companies House 資料當中所登記的住址為瑞士 St Moritz,而報導說 Foster 搬到瑞士是為了享受該國「高品質的生活」,加上 Foster 的小孩在瑞士日內瓦湖地區就讀私立學校,然而 Foster 還是澄清,他不是到瑞士來退休的 (所以真的是為了避稅?)。
Foster under pressure to reveal tax status
24 April, 2008
By Will Hurst
Labour and Lib Dems claim Swiss residency for tax reasons conflicts with seat in the Lords
Foster & Partners has refused to deny claims that Norman Foster has become a Swiss resident in order to avoid the full brunt of British taxes.
Foster, who was made a life peer in 1999, is one of a handful of peers now facing possible expulsion from the House of Lords if the claims are proved and proposed laws come into effect banning tax-exiled peers.
Foster, 72, who gives his address in the most recent Companies House documents as St Moritz, was profiled in Swiss newspaper 24 Heures last week, which reported he had recently bought the Château de Vincy, near Rolle, and was moving to the country for its 「high quality of life」.
His position was questioned by politicians this week because his status as a life peer means he can vote on legislation in the House of Lords.
Liberal Democrat peer and treasury spokesman Matthew Oakeshott pledged to raise the matter of Foster’s residency in the house as BD went to press.
Oakeshott, who is sponsoring a bill to force peers who 「dodge」 British taxes to resign, said it was wrong for them not to pay British taxes in full. 「It’s a slap in the face for hard-working British taxpayers,」 he said. 「It’s grossly unfair to be able to vote on laws and taxes and pop off to Switzerland to avoid paying tax,」 he said.
「My bill would make peers choose whether to pay full taxes or take an indefinite leave of absence from the Lords. We are getting very good support for this bill in the Lords, and it has every chance of passing and going to the Commons.
Labour MP Gordon Prentice, who is also backing a change in the law, added: 「If people want to move their money offshore, they should not be in Westminster.」
The Tax Payers’ Alliance said even if Foster was 「domiciled」 in the UK this did not affect the issue since, according to the group’s chief executive Matthew Elliott, he would have 「the luxury of voting on the taxes that are pushing up everyone’s cost of living while avoiding that daily pinch himself」.
A spokeswoman for Foster said on Wednesday: 「Norman is not prepared to discuss his tax arrangements. You can surmise what you like but he’s not prepared to discuss it.」
Foster rarely appears in the Lords and made just two visits in the two years up to April 2007.
Having the status of a non-resident would allow Foster to make substantial capital gains tax savings on the proceeds of a deal last year which saw private equity firm 3i take a minority stake in the firm.
The business was then valued at around £300 million, with Foster enjoying an 85% shareholding.
In the interview with 24 Heures, Foster, whose children attend private schools in the Lake Geneva region, made it clear that he had not come to Switzerland to retire.
「He will continue to direct his firm, with 19 offices around the world and 1,500 employees,」 the article stated. 「He is also chairing the architectural competition for a new cantonal parliament in Lausanne, the capital of Vaud.」
24 April, 2008
By Will Hurst
Labour and Lib Dems claim Swiss residency for tax reasons conflicts with seat in the Lords
Foster & Partners has refused to deny claims that Norman Foster has become a Swiss resident in order to avoid the full brunt of British taxes.
Foster, who was made a life peer in 1999, is one of a handful of peers now facing possible expulsion from the House of Lords if the claims are proved and proposed laws come into effect banning tax-exiled peers.
Foster, 72, who gives his address in the most recent Companies House documents as St Moritz, was profiled in Swiss newspaper 24 Heures last week, which reported he had recently bought the Château de Vincy, near Rolle, and was moving to the country for its 「high quality of life」.
His position was questioned by politicians this week because his status as a life peer means he can vote on legislation in the House of Lords.
Liberal Democrat peer and treasury spokesman Matthew Oakeshott pledged to raise the matter of Foster’s residency in the house as BD went to press.
Oakeshott, who is sponsoring a bill to force peers who 「dodge」 British taxes to resign, said it was wrong for them not to pay British taxes in full. 「It’s a slap in the face for hard-working British taxpayers,」 he said. 「It’s grossly unfair to be able to vote on laws and taxes and pop off to Switzerland to avoid paying tax,」 he said.
「My bill would make peers choose whether to pay full taxes or take an indefinite leave of absence from the Lords. We are getting very good support for this bill in the Lords, and it has every chance of passing and going to the Commons.
Labour MP Gordon Prentice, who is also backing a change in the law, added: 「If people want to move their money offshore, they should not be in Westminster.」
The Tax Payers’ Alliance said even if Foster was 「domiciled」 in the UK this did not affect the issue since, according to the group’s chief executive Matthew Elliott, he would have 「the luxury of voting on the taxes that are pushing up everyone’s cost of living while avoiding that daily pinch himself」.
A spokeswoman for Foster said on Wednesday: 「Norman is not prepared to discuss his tax arrangements. You can surmise what you like but he’s not prepared to discuss it.」
Foster rarely appears in the Lords and made just two visits in the two years up to April 2007.
Having the status of a non-resident would allow Foster to make substantial capital gains tax savings on the proceeds of a deal last year which saw private equity firm 3i take a minority stake in the firm.
The business was then valued at around £300 million, with Foster enjoying an 85% shareholding.
In the interview with 24 Heures, Foster, whose children attend private schools in the Lake Geneva region, made it clear that he had not come to Switzerland to retire.
「He will continue to direct his firm, with 19 offices around the world and 1,500 employees,」 the article stated. 「He is also chairing the architectural competition for a new cantonal parliament in Lausanne, the capital of Vaud.」