2007-07-27 03:49:37._i ’m eRIc..!

Jay.take care a!.

who is jay ? one of my friends in PEI..nice to meet u .

u guy so narcissist.

because u always talk youself.and told other person :

” i don’t know why i am so natty ”

”u have to .u must ”that;s the words u alway say to us.

and u taught me a bon .”ok la .”
i use this work almost 100 times per day.

did u remember the we life in july.

that;s our industrious ;s represent.we friendship’s describe

we worked together.we ate together.we laugh together.

we like talk in DQ.and u said u wonlt go DQ in half year.

we played basketball and i remember the” beijing style”

we looking for lunch but we just have a breakfast finally.

we worked at seatreat and enjoyed the coke after work.

more and more . and so on .

i canlt describe all the things we happen.

we worked hard.and u earn $1500.and me XXX.

u sain to me 1months ago.u have to earn $1500.

and u have to smartness in BEIJING..

u consummate u wish right now.


anyway .take care a!. benjing.lao .
丧良 2007-08-07 23:52:39


霜. 2007-08-02 08:55:27


yellow 2007-08-01 20:56:19
