煽動人的色情不是藝術, 也不可能成為藝術.
這是純手工洗印的照片唷,超級珍貴的....花了我好多好多好多的心血跟時間哩. 可不是哪種自動沖洗的哩...這種手工操作的方式真的超費時間的.
I done photography before and we have to learn how to wash the photos in the dark room too, hand wash is not many people do but I enjoy doing it. It gives a unique feeling after is done ^^
to me art is very wide range, so anything can be art even sex stuff. But my advice is you don`t need 4 the same thing but with different colors. If you have 4 all different drawings and look than this way it might be more interesting. A key element in art is, do not ever repeat over and over again, unless you are making a pattern or something. But anything that is a piece of art, then don`t show the samething twice. It gets boring after awhile, so you can have a topic with a collection of the drawings to go with it. Hope you understand what I say, if you don`t agree then you don`t need to worry about what I say ok ^^
一個plate印成一組,each piece is not a copy but an original.
一般的print 是從同一個matrix印的, 雖然印成multiple,但是每一張都是一樣的.
monotype是獨一無二的印刷品, 就只有一張.是無法重覆製造的.
monotype print 就是2種的混合, monotype print是使用同一個matrix印刷出來後再加工的作品. 一樣的layout but different touch.
至於為什麼我會有4張一模一樣的, 因為我做成一個edition嘛, 一張太寂寞啦. 哈哈
PS 學洗黑白照的時候, 真的是又痛苦又甜蜜的回憶阿. 我在期末的時候過敏..在小小的暗房中(沒有AC, 學校12鍾關AC) 窩在裡面跟大家呼吸可怕的化學藥劑味道+人的汗水味. 每一次開門都有一陣熱風吹在臉上...結果我的過敏便成鼻竇炎. 但是生病算什咧...交不出照片就玩完啦..那一個星期每天拼著命撐到凌晨...還有人在走廊上睡著了咧...真是美好又可怕的回憶! 2008-01-21 12:17:44
sorry ^^ after you say is print making than I got it ^^
stupid me say so much haha...^^ I did print making before too in high school, and yes in printing making you can have a collection of the same ones.