2014-11-26 21:09:03Walker

Mission of "Life Magazine"

To see the world, things dangerous to come to,
to see behind walls, draw closer,
to find each other and to feel.
That is the purpose of life.

白日夢冒險王(The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)



不甘心沒事被亂感動; 找了半天,總算找到這段文字的出處...

LIFE 雜誌創辦人Henry Luce 1936 年為LIFE 雜誌寫下的使命

To see life; to see the world; to eyewitness great events;
to watch the faces of the poor and the gestures of the proud;
to see strange things — machines, armies, multitudes, shadows in the jungle and on the moon;
to see man’s work — his paintings, towers and discoveries;
to see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to;
the women that men love and many children;
to see and take pleasure in seeing; to see and be amazed; to see and be instructed …

Read more: LIFE.com in 2012: Looking Back at the Year Through 12 Galleries | LIFE.com http://life.time.com/history/life-in-2012-the-year-in-12-galleries/#ixzz3KBB1qQeV


下一篇:關於泰國 - 1

Bad 2014-12-02 12:49:09


Ha, I got it... 2014-12-04 15:57:10
Bad 2014-12-02 12:47:54

To see life,
To see the world,
To seee serange things,
To see and be amazed,
That sounds about right.....