2013-07-20 03:00:00frank
[西班牙語] 成語與片語 III
Spanish Expressions 3 - Idiomatic Expressions
¿Cuánto tiempo llevará? How long will it take?
Esta vez invito yo. I´m paying this time.
No hay de qué. You´re welcome.
Ellos la visitan raras veces. They seldom visit her.
Estaban a punto de salir cuando ella llegó. They were about to leave when she came.
Lo haría a caulquier precio. I would do it regardless of the cost.
Ésto no conduce a nada. This leads nowhere.
El taxista me ha engañado. The taxi driver cheated me.
engañar vt. (hacer creer algo falso) trick, fool, deceive, mislead, cheat
(ser infiel a la pareja) be unfaithful
(calmar) curb, satisfy, assuage 緩和, 減輕(病痛等)
Manolo y José deben estar a punto de llegar. Manolo and Jose ought to be arriving now.
Estuvisteis a punto de convencerla. You al were just about to convince her.
Dará el apaño. He will manage the situation.
apaño nm. mend, repair
apañar vt. to mend, fix
Pruébate ése. Try that one.
Préstamela. Lend it to me.
No ha entendido ni jota. He hasn´t understood anything.
jota nf. letter j.
in negative phrases iota 極微小 (希臘語字母第九字)
No entenderán ni jota. They will not understand anything.
Con prestarme dinero, me sacas de apuros. By lending me money, you get me out of trouble.
sacar vi deportes (iniciar el juego) tennis serve.
(apartar) Sport take off, remove
(obtener) get receive
(extraer) to take out, extract
apuro nm. (dificultad) tight sport, predicament
(deudas pendientes) hardship, liabilities
(vergüenza) embarrassment
Podrás salir de apuros. You will be able to get out of a tight spot.
Te echamos de menos. We miss you
echar vt. chase out, throw out, kick out
(despedir) sack, fire, expel (de colegio)
(arrojar) pour
echar a andar start walking
echar a correr start running
eachar a suertes flip a coin
echar de menos miss
echar de menos a alguien miss someone.
finished: May 5, 2013
上一篇:[西班牙語] 成語與片語 II