2007-07-13 14:18:51糕拐臭美
Fashion Accidentally-2
What would you think of when speaking of Fashion? Brand names? Shoes? beautiful outfits? Jose Antonio Hernandez-Diaz, artist from Venezuela, thinks of the innumerable faces behind one single, simple T-shirt. Look around us, almost everyone wears denim jeans, or at least owns one pair or two, as if denim has become the uniform of the universe. So it has to be very cheap if it’s so popular and common. But we all know the truth is not like this. A plain white brand name T-shirt would cost hundred bucks, which is so many times of the price on a cheap Tee. Who weave the fabric? the cheap laborers from third world did. No matter the fabric they made will turn into cheap clothes or high end apparel, they get the same pay. Very low pay. The clothes came from same places, same factories, only the tag that added later make the price count. In some way, Hernandez-Diaz sees Fashion as a kind of conspiracy, a kind of social persecution.