2010-04-17 00:27:56Mo (Jo Jo) Rill

Baseball Season's Kickin' Off, Man!



Somehow I found this picture very celebratory.

Not that I have anything against Hideki (or an angel Hideki). He sent one out of the park today and Yankee fans gave him an ovation. See? We love him. I love him. I've always felt that he was unshaken no matter what. Well, I guess we all agree that him donning a halo is a business thing. I wish him the best.


Hmm, some changes in the '10 season...

Well, sad things are that Matsu's halo, Johnny's with the Tigers, Coke's with the Tigers, Hinske's a Brave, Melky's a Brave, Molina's a Blue Jay and J-Hair's with the Padres....I'm missing all of them. Oh, I'm gonna miss Jerry big time. But he's with his brother now, so I guess he's doing just fine. 

Interesting thing is that Park, korean, who I know from our last WS incounter with the Phillies, is with us now. How weird. He's doing fine though. And the great Doc Halladay, who was a Blue Jay, is now with the Phillies. Some reckon, now in the NL like he is, he'll go for 30 wins...well, we'll see 'bout that.


Good things are...


One, we've got Curtis Granderson! He seems like a very nice guy, talking very smoothly and having strong arms. He threw a coming-home-from-third Matsui out very phenomenally the other day (see first picture and picture above). Hmm!

Two, Nick Johnson's back! I wasn’t all that familiar with him but he’s the DH now and as far as I know, DHs are quite respectable. He’s playing some patient baseball now, not very clutch but I’ve heard commentators say that they don’t worry about him at all.

Three, Phil Hughes's just got a great start, as a starter! They said he’s “won” the fifth starter roll…I wonder how that worked. Well, judging from Hughes’s first start, it’s working out just fine. He only pitched 5 innings (right?) but they’ll gradually stretch him. They said that Hughesy can make a nice starter because he has a fourth pitch. Well, maybe we’ll find him a CC a few years later, eh?


And yesterday was "Why's Mo there" day...well, no, it's Jackie Robinson day! Everybody wore 42, seriously, what a day! Jackie Robinson is memorable and highly influential utility fielder. He broke the color barrier, becoming the first African American Major League player for the Brooklyn Dodgers. At first, the hostility was life-threatening but his talent and great character earned him abundent respect, making him immortal both in the diamond and out. Not only did MLB retired 42 throughout the whole Major League, Mo the only one wearing the number now, but they also made April 15th, his debut date, Jackie Robinson day, on which everyone plays 42 in celebration. Yesterday, Robinson Cano, who was named after Jackie, belted two homeruns and plated 3, so very fittingly. He must be very proud.

Flip 42 over and you get Robbie!

And boy it's been great to have Robbie! Not a lot can be said now that the season’s just started. Hope he can keep it hot all the way to the end. Batting fifth is some responsibility, Robbie.


 I’d really like to see all the youngsters come up strong and sharp. Cervelli, Peña, Robertson, Hughes…Cosmos bless them! Cosmos bless Yankees!