2008-02-26 19:51:09LIL_Cin
Thoughts of complications
我必須要停止 . 一切的猜測還有傷害.
你的眼淚. 滴在我的心理. 像是百般銳刀.
捨不得. 確也無計可施.
過去的事 不是應該讓他留在那裡嗎?
你的婚禮會是盛重嚴肅. 也會是快樂喜悅.
想放手.真的想放手. 卻又說不出口.
As for you my lovely eddy...
I want you back in my life but have to fix things...and sometimes its hard...to...
To give to give out caring and love
Im trying....
你的眼淚. 滴在我的心理. 像是百般銳刀.
捨不得. 確也無計可施.
過去的事 不是應該讓他留在那裡嗎?
你的婚禮會是盛重嚴肅. 也會是快樂喜悅.
想放手.真的想放手. 卻又說不出口.
As for you my lovely eddy...
I want you back in my life but have to fix things...and sometimes its hard...to...
To give to give out caring and love
Im trying....
LIL Cin: 謝謝妳~^^