2012-11-17 15:38:23Janice

2012 阿酋又來台招考了



Cherry 2013-03-12 01:58:13

My name is Cherry. I would like to be a cabin crew of emirates too. And I am so excited while reading you blog. I would like to you ask few questions as well.
I just passed the OD late week and will go to the AD on this coming Saturday.... Be honest, I'm so nervous....I do not know how prepare for it. I did lots of research and practiced my English everyday but I still feel lost....
Would you give me some advise? What question had you been asked in the group discussion? And what topic of essay had you written before?
Thank you and looking forward your reply ..

Dear Cherry,

Sorry to reply you late, I don't come to this website often and I've been quite busy with my wedding preparation. You had finished your AD by now, don't know if you get a chance to do the final interview?

When I did my AD, it was 9 years ago.(By the way, I resigned last year) And if you ask any current EK crew, they would have no idea why they've got this job. Emirates said they ware looking for the personality they want, and I have no clue what it is exactly. Although I'd met so many crew onboard and worked together, I couldn't tell anything common among them. Every single person is different.

The only advice I can give you is: Be confident, be yourself, be a team player, be able to take the feedback, be smart. Most importantly, relax.

Don't worry if you fail, there is always a second chance waiting for you. One of Taiwanese crew has tried 5 times to get this job, and he is happy to be in Dubai.

Regarding your questions, sorry I don't remember what topic of essay had I written before. If I did write one, you would be able to find it in this webpage. And the question I got in group discussion, is also right in this pagE. If you read my article carefully you would have found it as well.

Wish you all the best.

2013-03-18 14:27:20
Alicia 2013-02-26 02:08:12

janice 姊姊
只要透過sass招考的,一律不收台灣人,致電給SASS他們說EMIRATES Send e-mail給他們說TW不招收,因為簽證問題

澳洲可以,但你要先有考不上的心裡準備。以前就有人專程飛到加拿大,第一天就被刷掉了啊..... 2013-02-26 05:44:05
兔兔 2012-11-18 01:20:36

謝謝大方又熱心的珍妮絲給大家提供訊息!回到台灣的感覺很棒吧?期待妳有空寫寫文章^^ 當作以後的回憶嘛~~

= ="
2012-11-18 16:10:24