2008-05-12 01:45:18letter
Slowly Afternoon
It’s a slowly slowly afternoon.
I keep something in my whole life.
Two cups of coffee and five cigarettes.
When the day pass by pass.
I was falling in a depth hell.
Reading and listening,
Music is run around in the house.
When the smoke arising.
Elvis magazine noted Happy Ending.
I recall the memories about that glorious time.
It’s a slowly slowly afternoon.
I was smoking all afternoon with sadness mood.
I keep something in my whole life.
Two cups of coffee and five cigarettes.
When the day pass by pass.
I was falling in a depth hell.
Reading and listening,
Music is run around in the house.
When the smoke arising.
Elvis magazine noted Happy Ending.
I recall the memories about that glorious time.
It’s a slowly slowly afternoon.
I was smoking all afternoon with sadness mood.