À tous les, peut être un succès? Bien que des difficultés.... Enfin le ré...
漸行漸遠了.. 曾摯愛的暮色.. 風景正飛逝著.. 模糊了.. 為什麼..? 夜色追來了.. 寂寞也搭上車.. ...
全世界的香料品種.... (赫然發現..連台灣都名列榜上,可是忘了是哪種香料了= =)製作儀器 只可遠觀不可...
初秋的晨曦.. 淡淡地.. 灑落窗畔.. 好似呼喚.. 呼喚我的視線離開黑板.. 思念之南~~傷感的對岸 ...
We’ve made a vow to stay together, forever.... once seemed to be permanently glown, even in temp...
Why poet prefer to meander? Contemplating that as rambling around the city.. Calming myself do...
托斯卡尼也沉默.. 泛黃的不只晚秋.. 牽不住的手.. 畫面停格在最美那季.. 涼風拂過.. 是否.. 該隨...
Landscape outside the window, gradually wore mist.... Recollection popped up, and blurred with te...