2009-12-31 19:01:47ξ阿神




咻 隨著季風 凜冽的細雨 過往的人與事 一同伴著寧靜的孤獨的鐘響入眠

我不能入眠,因為心中那迷惘與感慨漸漸讓我失眠。 往事慢慢佔據著我的世界,我抓著它奔向無止盡的未來。 那麼迷惘與徬徨的腳步聲是誰? 那麼無奈與感慨的嘆息是誰?


都不重要了,我說。 就讓時間一點一滴,抹逝掉那些我做的無謂掙扎與撕聲力竭的靈魂。



Athlete - The Awkward Goodbye

My heart is a stone
You don't want to go there
But I don't mind if you try

If you should go
I'll be a soldier
But I can't fight without you

And outside love moves on
To an imaginary world
Where we both belong
In an imaginary world

My heart is a stone
You don't want to go there
But I don't mind if you try

We studied the cold
Yeah we made friends with it
And it brought us back
Our bodies intact

And no one knows how I love you
No one comes even close
And sunlight runs through my veins for you

And outside love moves on
To an imaginary world
Where we both belong
In an imaginary world

And no one knows how I love you
No one comes even close
And sunlight runs through my veins for you

And no one knows how I love you
No one comes even close
And sunlight runs through my veins for you

I put my hands up
'Cause this is so obvious
That look in your eye
Of an awkward goodbye

阿神 2010-01-08 01:22:04

★ya瑜 2010-01-03 18:35:29

