2009-10-01 01:51:44JuLiE 啾 & Mr. F ♥

memory, dream, future and love

Finally I get to update our blog~

dear...there are some memory still make me feel sad and not well sometimes...

Theres so many things around me that remind me of things i dont really want to think about...i guess u know wat i mean by that too

But i cannot really help not thinking about it, i just try to think about it less so i dont feel sad or fear at the same time...

However there are some memory that i really want to keep, all of them is the memory that i have with u, its really nice to see things that remind me of u and make me feel really happy to think about u again...

I still got everything u gave me before u go...pictures in frame, handphone hanger, letters, and your picture that i keep them in my wallet so u are with me all the time too~

Any like i said...i really wish we can make more memory together...cuz i really want to..with u

and i still remember how u want me to forget with time
About dreams that I had some are good dreams, some are bad dreams too...

When i woke up from a good dream, i feel so happy cuz in that dream u were there and we are so close...i feel so happy and loved by u...feel my heart still beating the same pause as u...make me feel so high and excited that u are around

i really miss u when i think about our dream and memory
i dont know wat our future going to be...

i know both of us...

u and me feel really tired when we start to think about the future

maybe its too much for human to hold and predict future

maybe we are not able to control future after all..

but i think we can do something...that make our future goes the way we want...our dream to come true

i only know for love....only security will make it last...

i know u make me feel secure...and i wish i make u feel secure too...

eventhough there are so many things that might change the way we feel and think...but for me i will not even regret to be with u

cuz its all nice to be with u...really...

but even then...still

i jsut wish u are there in my future...someone who really love me...like u

i will really love u back too~
wat if our love is meant to be this way...

"wat about now...wat about today, wat if its meant to be...wat we are suppose to be...wat if our love...never when away...?"

i still remember the song...its running in my head everytime i think about love...

may be its a good thing...or a bad thing...i dont know too

love gives us happiness and sadness...but right now may be more of one side...

i dont want to make u cry...really...

but if u do then i wish i can be there and wipe your tears...

or maybe u wont cry anymore when i am there...
so i just want u to smile...

so u can make me happy like u were before..

i know u are weak sometimes but u are relly strong inside u...

i really know u can pass through the hard time with me...

really wish our love...last until the last day we live...

really love u...

miss u so much too
JuLiE 啾 & Mr. F ♥ 2009-10-02 05:25:38

> 3 <
I really really love this~
Thank you so much!
T 3 <~
It's so cute >///p///<
haha~i will remember every single word u said to me ^__________^~
keep them deep in my mind~
* muah * ! > 3<