i no u always look ppl’s face and decided whether u wanna be his or her friend so...it’s obviously! wasn’t?
我也覺得有道理 一個不認識的人,你一定先看他外表 然後在決定要不要跟這個人當朋友 然後才會彼此互相認識
圖/摩斯文/摩斯 他推門而入風塵與歲月 一併隨身而來酒吧裡的光 昏黃卻溫暖彷彿將他孤單的影子妥善
20241130粉絲蝦煲 粉絲草蝦均備.......... 簡單做成蝦煲.......... 佐料薑蒜打碎.......... 拉盆幾下搞定..........
【韓國快閃式戒嚴】嚴重影響東亞安全! 壹、戰爭機率突然飆高 南韓快閃戒嚴,民進黨快閃貼文表達共鳴
i no u always look ppl’s face and decided
whether u wanna be his or her friend
so...it’s obviously!