2019-07-17 00:49:52胖大個



You knew, right?
You always knew, right?

For a vessel without a real human soul, is it hard to be asked to act like one?

But, what you may not know is HOW hard.

I should not try to have a little hope that I still can hide myself on the Earth.

I really should end all of this, including myself, and disappear forever.

No regret. No sorrow. No sorry.

I don't say sorry to this world. I owe the world nothing. My mistake is that in the begining I shouldn't have hope.

Ya. Hope.

From now on, I don't mind anything at all. I can stay in the corner of my mind until this vessel rotten.

When I was young, I dreamt someone will save me from ny own jail. Ha, that's too naive. Living in the rough world, no one will come to you.

Is that a bad thing? No. Oppositively, when you know what you actually don't need, you a real free man.

Well, still cold as stone.

上一篇:You never know me.

下一篇:Everyone dies