2025-03-19 17:06:50Ezo
【 創造論相關的影片 】
●石油如何表明地球年輕 ( 國語版)
How Oil Points to a Young Earth – Dr Stephen Grocott (CMI)
●年輕地球的四點證據 - 唐.巴頓博士 ( 國語版)
4 Evidences for a Young Earth - Dr Don Batten (CMI)
From Ape to Man – Where is the Evidence – Scot Devlin (CMI)
●億萬光年?沒問題!- 羅素.漢弗萊斯博士 (國語版)
Light Years? No Problem! – Dr Russell Humphries (CMI)
●遙遠星光與聖經時間軸 (國語版)
Distant Starlight and the Biblical Timeline (Genesis Apologetics)
●挪亞洪水與災難性板塊構成 (國語版)
Noah's Flood and Catastrophic Plate Formation (Genesis Apologetics)
The Bible and Science on Gender, Sex, and Marriage (Genesis Apologetics)