2011-05-08 14:34:03長風

Expectation, Hope and Love

My dear,


On my way back home, I was also thinking about the distinction between hope and expectation. Glad to know that you also came up with this idea. In my mind, I'd take hope as something illuminant; you won't know what exactly it is until you are close to it. Expectation is different; it bears specific pictures with certain details; it is more concrete. If I have to more or less pin down what 'hope' is, I may say, according to my limited vocabulary and knowledge, that hope should have something to do with love. 


I believe love; yet, this 'love' is not a personal love to a certain person, nor for myself. It is gentle as spring wind, fresh and animated as river flow,fulfilling living beings as energy, warm, firm, nourishing as earth.It is love that all living beings have been shared; it is love that gives birth to all the living beings and being the core of them. I believe that the love deep in your heart is still as sweet as what I have witnessed. Sincerely wish that you will remember it, after the darkness time in the dense storm. You have never been separated from love. This is what I firmly believe. If you cannot see it, talk to God and ask for it. I trust that He will show you. 


Stay well and positive. My prayer is with you.


下一篇:Miracles in Daily life

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