2009-02-14 18:39:52Winnie

I am back..!

It's been a long since i left...

Actually, i even almost forgot this "special" blog ><
so here i'd like to apologize to all of u guys..

However, i am back now and i will write something and decorate my blog if i "remember" it .....haahhhhh

First of all, today is valentine's day....
For me, it's kind of a normal day and nothing special to me because haahhhhh maybe many are as same as me *O*

When i got a test in Taichung...
it's so weird that i didn't see many couples!!
where are they ??
i don't know ...maybe they don't want to embarrass me..hahhhh

ok..it's time for leaving
i'll be back soonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
