2006-10-30 13:59:16查理布朗

letter to my FION

Dear FION,
It’s 83rd day I didn’t see you. I wonder if you are getting taller or fatter.
I do miss you and your Mom, I can’t accompany with you due to my working in China.
I am in deep lonesome here only with work these monthes. All I can have is to hear you from the telephone and see you by picture.
You know you always say hello to me when you hold the phone and some words and song that Olivia taught you.
Conversely, you yell Daddy Daddy to a no calling phone yourself, how cute you are! I do want to hold you tight with my arms.

Olivia decided to go back to Taiwan due to she can’t adapt herself to the life here plus some factors between people.
Same, I can’t accept to live in this separated situation, so I am ready to go back as well.
After ten more days, hope that you could call me Daddy when you see me if you still can recognize who I am.

All I worry about is the family economic and our future, and your education problem.
The politics and society are very bad in recent years. Even we have no position in international. It may be a hard time for our Taiwanese to compete with others.
But we can’t regret since we had made decision and have to insist on this way.
I believe that we could own happiness as lon as we family live together.
