2008-09-26 17:20:59愛慕者

A Token Of Appreciation






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thank you teachers!(英文)
terima kasih cikgu!(馬來文)




(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


題目:A Token Of Appreciation

The atmosphere of the meeting room was a little tense . The chairman of the English Society , Lee Sean , together with the members of English Society , still did not have a decision after two hours of brainstorming .
Only one word can describe everybody’s feeling , ‘ frustrated ’ .

“ What shall we present for this year’s Teachers Day ? Raise your hand if you choose drama . ” Sean said .

I , the odd bird , was the only one who did not choose drama . Out of the blue , Sean stared at me , just like a starving eagle spotted its prey .

“ What’s your brilliant idea , Vincent ? ” I saw red when he teased me twice .

“ Hmm… Hmm… ” I wrinkled my forehead , I squeezed my brain but I got nothing . I hoped my bosom friend , Chin Boon can give me a hint .

“ Put your thinking cap on . Time and tide wait for no man . ” Sean taunted .

“ And woman . ” Eileen interrupted . She gets such a thrill from insulting me .

Just because sometimes I was a little bit sissy . Ha…
Ha… Ha… So funny , nope .

“ Pss… Poem…” Chin Boon whispered to me .

“ Poem recital ! ” I shouted .

“ Do you think that you are a Poet Laureate ? ” Intan taunted .

Something bad can happen if you do not look before you leap .

“ Do you know why we work so hard for the Teachers Day ? To be the winner of the highlight of the Teachers Day , the Talent Show . And the most important thing is to be the spotlight . We must be the best and beat the rest . ” Sean said .

Everybody saw eye to eye with Sean , except me .

“ What ! I think we should thanks our teachers on that day , not to be a winner ! They did many things for us , they sacrificed their time to teach us and we passed PMR with flying colours . ” I protested .

“ If their job is to teach us , so , our job is to get straight A’s . ” Sean said. “ This is our script titled ‘ Anna and the King 2 ’ . Please remember this script in a week . ” Sean mentioned it as he was drumming his fingers on the table .
Sean lost his mind . The Teachers Day was just around the corner . Almost everyone followed his crazy demand without any protest because all of them were yes-men , except me .
* * * * * * * * * * *

“ How was the rehearsal ? ” Prabu , the prefect asked .

“ ‘ Great ’ ! I felt sick when rehearsing with his la-di-da friends . He’s going banana… ” I was exhausted when I criticized that VIP , very idiot person . “ I play a monk in this drama , so humiliated . ”

“ Isn’t Sean your best friend ? ” Prabu asked .

I was speechless because that was history . Things may change , people also change .

“ I heard that the drama is ‘ Anna and the King 2 ’ . Don’t you think that it is a little weird because present a romantic drama on the Teachers Day ? Do you think… ” Prabu asked me a series of quick-fire questions .

“ I have a game plan , pss… ” I whispered .

“ Whoa ! ” Prabu was surprised . “ Are you sure you want to do this ? Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you .”

“ As sure as eggs are eggs , and this is the only way to solve this matter . ” I answered .
* * * * * * * * * * *

“ All participants of the Talent Show please assemble at Ibnu Sina Hall , now . ”

“ Didn’t you hear an announcement just now ! Quick ! Stop dilly-dallying ! ” Maisara shouted as she adjusted her tiara .

“ It’s our red-letter day ! ” Sean shouted .

The la-di-da gang walked into the hall with proud and strut , pretended not to recognize anyone , followed by Chin Boon and me , who were the members of the least popular gang .

“ What’s yer group ? ” Madam Lee asked .

“ Ingleses Societe . ” Eileen replied .

“ Pardon ? ” Madam Lee questioned .

“ English Society , in French . ” Eileen answered .

“ Hmm… Poem recital . ” Madam Lee said as she adjusted her glasses .

“ What ! That impossible ! Must be something goes awry ! ” Eileen cried . “ Bad is never good until worse happens . ”

The members of the la-di-da group were throwing a fit because someone changed the drama into poem recital .

“ All participants , please gather on the stage . ” Madam Lee said .

“ That even worse ! ” Maisara cried . “ Vincent betrays us ! ”
* * * * * * * * * * *
“ Poem recital , Oon Vincent from 4 Sapphire . ” The master of ceremony said .

When I were on the stage , I hoped against hope that I won’t tongue-tied because this was the first time I on this stage .

There were many people , including the principal of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Jitra and teachers . I started to recite a poem titled ‘ Thank You Teachers ’ .

“ Till… till… ” I was too nervous , so , I took a deep breath and tried again .

Till the midnight ,
He or she is still awake .
All their students are in the land of Nod .
Noble teachers ,
Keep their promise to teach their students to be the best .

Youngsters , you must
Obey your teachers .
U must study well

To achieve a great success .
Even though teachers must sacrifice themselves , but it is
A deal . A deal among teachers and students .
Care about your teachers , always . Because they never let us
Hang out to dry when we most need their help .
Ennoble teachers ,
Racing with the time to teach us everything , anything they know .

The performance , which was all blood and thunder , left the audience greatly moved .

“ That ‘ Cinderella ’ is stealing our spotlight ! ” Maisara cried .

“ But , I think he’s right . We owed teachers a lot . We must thank them . ” Sean said .

“ Are you lost your mind ! You’re not ‘ you ’ again , we won’t be a loser’s friend . Hmm ! ” Eileen insisted .

Both Maisara and Eileen left Sean alone in a school corridor nearby . He was so lonely and nobody was there . He was ashamed with all his doings . He thought that he should turn over a new leaf .

“ I cannot abandoned my brother alone , right ? ”

“ Brother ? After what I did to you for two years ? Do I deserve a second chance ? ” Sean asked me .

“ It is never too late to repent . ” I replied .

Sean eyes filled with tears , sincere tears . We became friends again . Since that day , he became the ‘ old Sean ’ again , a friendly Sean .
* * * * * * * * * * *

Unfortunately , I did not win the Talent Show . But , I did it , to study well and achieve such a great success as a best gift for our teachers .

Really , thank you teachers .


不可抄襲,copyright reserved






賣友網~ 2008-10-20 10:35:02




springtree 2008-10-04 20:30:24


thanks;) 2008-10-04 20:40:56
明~~~慧 2008-10-01 23:35:24


哇~~寫的好棒啊 讚^^

(^_^) 2008-10-02 10:12:19