1º. Bal b/f 108,895KM-108,895KM=Finished 2º. Bal b/f 8,998,507KM-120KM=8,998,387KM Bal c/f 3º. Bal b/f 39,9
Bal b/f 482 Tempos+8 Tempos=490 Tempos Bal c/f
哀悼杜國清前輩詩人! 本社《笠》詩刊發起人之一, 於美國時間2025/2/21病逝. 本刊擬於367期(114/6月號)刊出[杜國清紀念專輯].敬邀
Flack revealed in November 2022 that she had been diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, and could no
因為與朋友有不同的行程,所以我自行搭車到春日部找蠟筆小新 對於蠟筆小新,說不上很喜歡但也不討厭 因為交通也方便,所以就來找