2009-02-11 21:54:18水妍
Twilight Quiz: which Twilight Character are You??
大約在5小時內 我就K.O "Eclipse"翻譯版
實在太好看了=v= 我好想好想馬上接著看"Breaking Dawn"喔(握拳)
雖然中文版已經在打廣告 但我等不下去了Orz
原本是打算到了奧克蘭再買Twilight Saga 但如果有現貨 乾脆就在台灣買了吧:p
我非常lucky~測出來 我是我最愛的Edward Cullen耶(笑)
那誰會是我的Bella呢?? 嘿嘿
You’re Edward Cullen - You have great taste for the finer things in life, a classic style, and you understand the way people work so you can manipulate easily. You have many talents and a bit of a temper, but you are mostly level-headed and rational.
實在太好看了=v= 我好想好想馬上接著看"Breaking Dawn"喔(握拳)
雖然中文版已經在打廣告 但我等不下去了Orz
原本是打算到了奧克蘭再買Twilight Saga 但如果有現貨 乾脆就在台灣買了吧:p
我非常lucky~測出來 我是我最愛的Edward Cullen耶(笑)
那誰會是我的Bella呢?? 嘿嘿
You’re Edward Cullen - You have great taste for the finer things in life, a classic style, and you understand the way people work so you can manipulate easily. You have many talents and a bit of a temper, but you are mostly level-headed and rational.