2007-08-23 02:11:49律米(因為喜歡吃玉米)

I ’m so good here .

Hey, guys !!!!

Do you miss me ????

I ’m so good here !!!

It’s very beautiful in North Carolina !!

I saw deers on the street !!!!!!!!!

Deers !!!!!!!! Just on the street !!!!!!!

I love country !!!!!!!!!!

Oh, I lose my weight .

3 KG ~!!!!!!!!!!

My god !!!!!!!!

I ate a lot ~!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to Chinese restaurant .

It’s so good !

Oh, I miss Taiwan ~~!!!

Hey, you can send me E-mail!!

I’ll reply the letter !!

You can say Chinese , I can see it !!


That’s my address ~!!!

love you guys ~!

訪客 2007-09-01 22:27:37


RING 2007-09-01 12:52:55

樓上是白痴林孟鴻啦 = =

說啥?蛤 2007-08-31 19:32:47


who are you = = 2007-09-01 04:23:32