2009-04-12 22:47:28史蒂芬

【擲地無聲】Kaiken Ultra Malbec 2006


我買了一支Kaiken Ultra Malbec 2006,這個酒廠是智利大廠Montes到阿根廷設立的酒莊,Kaiken的意譯是「野雁」,其實只要看到Montes,我個人就充滿一種感覺,這支野雁遲早一定會飛進入Wine Spectator Top 100,這個集團拿捏商業市場的調性很準確,加上釀酒水準不差,所以還沒有喝之前,我已經有點感覺了。

這支Kaiken Ultra Malbec 2006,一開的時候,風格蠻不像Malbec,我甚至懷疑摻雜有Cabernet Sauvignon,因為聞香中帶有一種Cabernet Sauvignon會出現薄荷系的清涼感,就連入口後的尾韻也有,加上酒風不走強烈果香奔放,風格有帶到典雅的感覺,結果上網一查居然是100% Malbec,倒是讓我頗為意外;第一天喝,對這支酒的感覺是,把蜜糖味處理地很漂亮,甜而不膩,加上有節制的果香表現,把酒控制地很穩當,大約就是那種剛剛好能弄到90分的酒。


這支酒可以看出一個集團的用心,在原料上,1970's的壯年葡萄(原廠是說 very old vines),加上「80% Aged in French oak barrels for 12 months」;在風格上,我覺得釀酒師似乎刻意壓抑了原來應該很容易呈現的華麗與奔放,可以感覺到釀酒師的手在控制酒風的發展,讓風味都能夠恰到好處,剛好得到分數,並且增強平衡性,讓整隻酒沒有出現明顯的缺點。另一方面,酒廠在商業設計上也投入很多心力,我買的是舊酒標(如下圖),還有紙包裝,對於一支美金定價25元、台幣建議售價900元的酒,能夠有紙包裝,真是讓我有點傻眼;另外,酒莊在獲得WA第一次評分91分之後,還換了新酒標(最上面那張圖),由此可以顯示Montes真的很希望把這支Kaiken Ultra Malbec 2006弄進2009的百大,其實「25美金+90分以上」的酒款其實很多,這種組合常常會落在80-100名,但是要進百大,不光靠分數高與價格漂亮,還是要點商業性加持,至於這支酒能不能進百大,其實他有一個很厲害的對手,就是Catena Malbec 2006,WS給Catena Malbec 2006(WS-91,WA-91,WE-90)的分數比Kaiken Ultra Malbec 2006(WS-90,WA-90,WE-91)多一分,兩家都是商業性很強的酒廠(Catena Malbec 2006也換標,和之前有一點不同,強化與Nicolas之間的關聯暗示性),因此這場戲不到揭曉,還真不知道輸贏,當然或許兩家都會進去,也不一定。



至於小弟,就補遺一下,貼一下三大酒評媒體對Kaiken Ultra Malbec 2006的資料:

Wine Enthusiast  Kaiken Ultra has emerged as a consistent top-shelf Malbec. This vintage shows power, purity, mineral, ripe fruit and well-applied oak. It’s a generous wine with kirsch and raspberry parfait flavors. It almost makes it to creamy but by holding onto its core acidity it guards overall balance. Unforced but a little forceful; good for those who like a ripe, meaty red wine.  Score: 91. —Michael Schachner, December 01, 2008.

Wine Advocate#180 The 2006 Ultra Malbec was 80% aged in French oak for 12 months. It is deep crimson-colored with an enticing perfume of pain grille, pencil lead, mineral, violets, and black cherry. This is followed by a layered wine with plenty of ripe fruit, a firm structure, excellent concentration, and a lengthy, pure finish. Drink it from 2010 to 2017. Score: 90. —Jay Miller, December 2008.

Wine Advocate#174 The 2006 Ultra Malbec was aged for 12 months in French oak. The oak influence is apparent in the attractive perfume which also has notes of violets, black cherry and a hint of chocolate. This is followed by a structured wine that will benefit from 2-3 years of additional bottle age. The fruit is mouth-filling and has good depth and the firm finish lasts for more than 45 seconds. Score: 91. —Jay Miller, December 2007.

Wine Spectator Ripe and solid, with a nice range of blueberry, fig and boysenberry fruit layered with sweet toast that carries through on the long, polished finish. Drink now through 2009. Tasted twice, with consistent notes. Score: 90. —James Molesworth, November 15, 2008.
