2020-09-16 22:57:11Lonely Planet


I'm still in shock right now

cuz obviously you have no control over nothing anymore

if god is keying your name in the slot.

just want everyone to know if I'm also taken someday out of the blue

that all I have is love for you even when I'm turning my back to protect myself

I had to because I'm never strong or sane enough to feel the right way

to be the good girl/ the one you secretly imagine to have a stable life with

odd and numb

which is the better word? I don't know. Maybe both.

I need to shut down so you won't hurt me anymore.

I know I will be crying harder and longer if otherwise.

Still glad that you came along, it's been a while to feel relaxed next to another person and not want to run away.

even it's for a very brief moment. it's gold to me.

have a good life us all.

make it through 2020 and the next one.

baby steps.